Saturday, April 27, 2013

How I came up with the idea for Bright Bags

Hi, my name is Miriam.  In 2012 my friend Te Rama gave me a book called  how to make money and after a couple of weeks we went on holiday AND I was more focused getting ready I forgot to bring my book so I left the book behind and I completely forgot. When we got back in about 4th of January, and from then to 10th of April I found it when we cleaned up and looked at the book and smiled a BIG smile and there I started to proceed  in the book so here we are I am going to start a business and I am going to start making bright bags so on the 27th of April yesterday I went out to spotlight and we got calico /fabric paints /felt /buttons for the first lot of bags my family friend helped me cut out the bag shapes and sew them together!!!  
and I am going to pay her for that and once she had sewn a few she will teach me how to sew them together.